-Don't lose hope guys, Lincoln is out there somewhere. -I'm not an orphan. Nothing would make me happier to be in my hometown again, said Lincoln. -Maybe your stupid pranks are what drove him away, said Luna to Luan. (Lori smiled at her brother, then headed back upstairs. The waitress came to give him a refill on his soda, and noticed all of the bags he had with him. What seems to be the problem elder brother? Lisa: Okay Lincoln. : POW! Later that night, Lori headed into her room to get ready for bed, when she noticed that Leni was taking her pillows and blanket off her bed). * Lincoln: *is reading a comic book on his bed* Lincoln gets into bed, and looks at the audience, Man, this is such a great life. -Girls you have to eat something, said Lynn Sr. -How can we eat, when Lincoln is out there somewhere, and we don't know where? said Luna. I would understand if it was someone like Luna or Leni. That's why I got you some snacks to keep you filled up. Lincoln: Oh no! of Lincoln trying to keep his ten adult sisters happy. The Louds were frozen. Lincoln: Dang it! Sometimes life can be hectic like a circus, but they're still family. She had to give up her favorite things for him, he still wouldn't forgive her, and now he had just broken her phone. The following morning the circus was all set, and Lincoln was in the big top having his final moments with Bongo and Daisy. It all starts out in the Loud House. -Hey I've seen him before, he was at the show tonight, said the ticket guy. You and your jokes are getting pretty wild at this moment. -Oh man this guy is AWESOME, said Lana. Would you be interested? -Glad to see you so enthusiastic there Lincoln, said Mr. Palmer. Hang on there Lincoln-Oneshot, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The crowd applauded the act so far, and Lincoln was pleased with how his first show was going very successfully. The finale with the entire cast of the circus came to a musical end, and the big top exploded with thunderous cheers and applause from the entire crowd. I've had to do all of these nice things for Lincoln, and some of it's been a struggle! Lisa: I will be right back. (Later, Lincoln was downstairs watching TV. HOW STUPID ARE YOU TO GO INTO MY ROOM WITHOUT ME EVEN KNOWING?! -I'm really gonna miss hearing you say that Lily, said Lincoln sadly, as he walked out of her room. When Lori and Leni decide to become strippers for a little extra cash for college, they are surprised when they discover who a particularly generous fan really is. I need you to open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, and say ahh. I really like the character so maybe I'll write my headcannon. Lincoln continued to hang with the Palmers and their primates, and even started to partake in their practice. -We love you to Lincoln, said his entire famly. -Please forgive us Lincoln? pleaded all of his sisters. Her rage blinded her from seeing that she had just hurt him). Lincoln began to pack everything he would want to bring with him, and also went into his secret storage spot where he had money hidden away, I always knew this would come in handy, said Lincoln as he grabbed the money, and shoved it into one of his bags. Lincoln is Done is a fanfiction of The Loud House that has become somewhat controversial due to its characterisation problems and use of the Fandom-Specific Plot of Lincoln running away. All right ladies and gentlemen, now we come to what you've probably all been waiting for. Has a tvtropes page! -Lincoln has been hanging out with me, Bongo, and Daisy, and they seem to really like him, said Skip. Lisa: I will be right back. Albert asks Lincoln if can he really hate his own family forever. Lincoln: Oh gosh, Lori's probably gonna kick me off any minute now. Check, Socks? Lori: How many times do I have to tell you?! Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. That night, Lincoln was sleeping in bed, feeling a little cold. He looked through some of his belongings, and while searching through his backpack he noticed something was in there, he hadn't before. Hey Bruno! said Mr. Rolan. AND YOU BROKE IT! Left Out Loud | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Fanfiction, Episodes focusing on Lincoln Loud, and 4 more Left Out Loud View source My fifty-fourth fanfiction. -He didn't answer, said Lori unhappily, as she turned to Leni and said, It's getting late we better head back home.. Complete. Lincoln was age 6 when they last went. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story Part 3 of The Multiverse Saga Language: English Words: I had no idea they were out here. -Presto! as Sebastian produced some cotton candy, and handed it over to Lincoln. Predator on the move. Lucy: Wow, this feels more dramatic than having no heart. I'm just going to move on, and not dwell on the past.. This made Lynn angry. the loud house fanfiction lincoln heartbroken (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. He had seen how the circus folk are all one big functioning family unit, and he was happy to be a part of it, but he felt like something was missing, and he was beginning to wonder if he was feeling homesick. Lincoln: . -It's great to meet you to, said Lincoln. They're actually funny, said Lola. As he walked up to the line he waited until he reached the ticket booth. They're heading into town tonight.. Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E. by Ethan Deemer 25.5K 361 17 In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his paren. Work Search: -Or maybe your ear shattering noise is what left him on a sour note, but Luan didn't laugh at her own joke, as she and Luna also began to argue. (Lincoln rushed into Lori and Leni's room, and saw the rat head underneath the desk. as they got up to go have their dinner. Lincoln watched on with pride as everyone he knew cheered him on for his successful performance in the circus. You make circus life sound better and better, said Lincoln. But because of this, he could manage his crankiness. Things get worse when the poor boy is gunned by a criminal (and survives to disown almost the whole family): now the family must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions; at the same time, it becomes clear there was more behind Lincoln getting shot than the boy simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. -Clyde, Clyde are you there? Just then Clyde answered. -HE IS? she uttered, as she opened her eyes. Lincoln is the only white boy in an Interracial family of girls as he is the happily adopted son of the Loud Family, and he had no idea what his older sisters and mom want. Not really an Lori and Lincoln romantic ship unless you want it to be. -Thanks, but I'm just a newbie here. I can't let the same thing happen between me and Lincoln. I saw your show tonight and it was SUPER AMAZING. (Lincoln was shocked to see Lori acting like this), (As Lynn Sr. and Rita wheel Lincoln inside, he looks back at Lori with a confused look. (Luan continues to laugh til a fly comes into her mouth choking her to death Lola starts laughing mencingly), Lola: Because your a boy, and boys are gross, and mean, and ugly, Lola: Dang it Lincoln! Infectious killing machine. (laughs), (Lincoln walks downstairs, while Lori keeps an eye on him from her room). Meanwhile, out in town there were fliers being placed about the circus, and Clyde came across one of them. We go back to the loud house, and everyone is still crying about lincoln 's absence. ELAINA CHASE is one of the most wealthiest witches there are in the wizardingworld, who helped stop. Loud House . -Hello Royal Woods Michigan! shouted Mr. Rolan. Loud to Mr. Rolan, -It was our pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Loud., said Mr. Rolan. -Lincoln, why would you runaway from home like that? asked Mr. Palmer. Because of this, Lincoln ricochet off the door and fell down the stairs. The following day the two police officers came to the Loud House to inform them of Lincoln's whereabouts. She had finally had enough. -Let me tell you something Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan, as he approached him. -Yeah! Lincoln where are you? he asked, as he noticed a lot of Lincoln's belongings were missing, and he saw a note on his bed. -Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Palmer this is very kind of you, said Lincoln. I AM a Monster! Loud House FanficIn Lincoln's room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding The Multiverse Saga. Sin embargo, para comprender cmo el Lincoln de 11 aos que todos conocamos termin siendo padre de 3 nias, siendo algo joven y sin tener ninguna madre presente con ellas Tendremos que adentrarnos en esta historia. But Lori? He wondered how long he would stay here, and where exactly he would find his new life. -Hold your horses, said the second cop, we don't have him, he's with the people who found him. The rest of that week was an amazing time for Lincoln with the Rolan Circus, having one well received show after another, and the circus loving their new family member. (voice breaks) And all the things I accidentally did to your things?! You have two more school nights to go and then it will be the moment. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth living with ten sisters for here. Lincoln opens his mouth and Lisa places the thermometer inside. -Yes, yes, yes, answered Lincoln. And it's time that they knew that. WARNING: This story has a VERY dark tone behind it, and contains scenes with blood. I guess it was because as I got older, the family got so loud and crowded that I had to become the boss of everyone. It's kind of a shame too, because it's always a lot of fun spending time with my sisters. They gotta teach me some of those rope and tying tricks, said Lana. -Thank you! said Leni. Your family is even bigger than mine, and you all get along great. What am I doing? Lynn Jr: Rawr Rawr. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. -My pleasure young mate, said Tobias as he shook Lincoln's hand. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. Luan: Why Yes, it was her (points at Lola). Lincoln Loud/Luna Loud - Works | Archive of Our Own Lynn's punishment | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Lincoln: Well, If you want me to stay out of your room, then, should I tell you to stay out of my room? Ouch! she said, as she got back up. Lori: What was I thinking?! It would be awesome to see Lincoln in the circus, said Lana. Okay Daisy! However it was far too late, as Lincoln was already on a Gray Hound bus leaving Royal Woods. Not a country. I see. One day, his parents find a girl living on the streets- and adopt her as a surprise for the Loud kids. blackpool north pier fishing permit; bradley cooper parents; best prepaid debit card to avoid garnishment Lincoln was in the circus? Lincoln was behind the curtain, as he and the Palmers were about to go on to do their primate act. My forty-second fanfiction, and sequel to the infamous Season 2 episode, "Brawl in the Family". -What do you mean Lincoln? asked Mr. Rolan. And let me tell you, I love Lori, I love all of my sisters, but if I had to say which sister makes me annoyed all the time, it would be Lori. -Well Lincoln, this is it, said Skip, as they all got ready to do their act. Lori: Oh, you're back! The story takes place after the Loud family kick Lincoln out of the house after believing he is bad luck; The Louds in the first two chapters. -What are you talking about? asked Luan. Lisa: But that doesn't mean you have the flu. Believe it or not, but I feel teary eyed every time I re-read the part where Lincoln has his goodbye scene with the circus. -Thanks! said Lincoln, as he began to tear up. Due to my somewhat unhappy thoughts to most of the Loud sisters early on (mostly because of being exposed to the wrong episodes) is the reason why I had the thought to do a story like this. What if he wishes he only had nine sisters instead of ten?! -Besides Lincoln, you have to learn to get along. Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter En la regin de johto, Lincoln Loud por culpa del orgullo de su hermana Lynn, fue rechazado por los Loud. Lincoln: *sniffle* I feel sick and weary like I am carrying 20 yaks. Slag off! Lincoln's Fever | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Lincoln turned towards his family, Lincoln: (angry), I don't want to see, or talk to any of you, and with that, he turned around, and headed upstairs, as his entire family sat there completely speechless. -Whoa! said Lynn, completely amazed, but when her sisters saw her Lynn's expression of amazement turned into disinterest. Rita: Lana. -Don't you have a home and a family? asked the man from the primate act. Lincoln, Lisa, Leni, and Lily were the only ones not partaking in it, but once Lori noticed Lincoln was ducking down she informed the rest of them, and they all turned towards Lincoln, and pelted him with food. I wish there's some way to get away from all of this, and to just live a nice, peaceful life., Lincoln continued to to sit there angrily, and trying to think of a way out of his predicament. Rated: Fiction M- English - Chapters: 578 - Words: 366,525 - Reviews: 6,978- Favs: 352 - Follows: 369 - Updated: 11/26/2020- Published: 9/17/2016- id: 12153129 + - Full3/41/2 ExpandTighten Family is the most important you will ever have.. Language: English Words: 8,536 Chapters: 10 /? It is not that serious. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story. One-shot collection Chapter 48: Lincoln snaps, a loud house fanfic That only happened once. Lincoln then spent the rest of the day exploring around the town, trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings. Tobias' act started off with Leni not having watched his opening.
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